Intern with HumRights.
The Humboldt Center for Constitutional Rights, or HumRights, is an Arcata-based 501c3 nonprofit which works to enhance understanding of the fundamental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.
Requirements: Good communication, research and writing skills. Must be able to work independently. We are looking for students with initiative, enthusiasm and creativity. These are volunteer positions, but we will work with Humboldt State University or other colleges or universities to get our interns course credit. All interns will work individually with a HumRights board member and attend monthly board meetings.
An certificate awarded to a student at Sunny Brae Middle School for wining the HumRights First Amendment essay contest in 2016.
Educational Interns
Responsibilities: Work with local schools to create material and schedules activities that would be incorporated into a school curriculum to educate students about the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
DeShaun Liddell-Patacsil with the presenting at the HSU Ideafest the research he did for HumRights on police body cams.
Policy Research Interns
Responsibilities: Research an issue of public policy concerning an individual’s constitutional rights. The intern will work with a HumRights board member to identify an issue to research. The internship will culminate with a White Paper that lays out the research findings and a presentation at the HSU Spring Idea lab.
HumRights hosted the work of artist Brandon Petersen at Arts Arcata to bring members of the public to the Humboldt Center for Constitutional Rights.
Communications Interns
HumRights needs students who can manage our website and social media, design promotional materials and conduct outreach projects.